Saturday, 6 February 2016

8 things students expect from their teachers

I have been in the educational sector as a teacher for nearly 2 years now. I was originally trained as a civil engineer but just after I graduated from the university I began to discover my passion for teaching. It has been a fascinating journey for me. I have always asked my self one question, "what do my students expect from me?" I began to pay close attention to the way my students responded in my class and in those of other teachers. I also thought about what I expected from my teachers when I was in secondary school. I discovered that their desires were not much different from mine. If you want to be an effective teacher you must always put yourself in your students' shoes. If your not satisfying their expectations, you are not making impact but just wasting your time. This article tells you eight things your students expect from you;

  • They want teachers who make the class interesting and fun                               children want to be in an environment that is fun and lively. They don't want to listen to a news caster or a clergy.  If I may ask, how many of you liked to listen to news or read news papers as children? I bet none of us did. You must seek ways to make you class more fun and engaging. 
  • They want teachers who love their job                                                                  Do you love your job? If you don't, then don't expect to be an effective teacher. Students can tell when they see a teacher who wants to be with them. Passion is a must for every teacher who wants to make a mark in the lives of their students.
  • They want a teacher who knows what he or she is doing                                     If you don't know what you are doing you will not be know for any good thing among the students. Students came to learn and they know those who they are actually learning from. Students expect you to know what they don't know.
  • They want teachers who are caring                                                                        Though you need to know what you are doing, students place care above knowledge. In-fact they don't care how much you know until they know how much you care
  • They want teachers who don't just lecture                                                            Your student expect you to tell stories that makes the topic more practical. Story telling separates teaching from lecturing
  • They want a teacher who is respectful                                                                   Did I hear you say respectful? you may ask. Yes, respectful. Every one deserves some measure of respect, including children. What you give is what you get.
  • They want to be noticed                                                                                           I teach in a class of over a hundred students. They all want me to call them by their name. what a high expectation. They don't mind, because each child believes that he or she is special. I believe the same
  • They want teachers who believe in them                                                               Students will do almost any thing for a teacher who doesn't only see them as they are but also as they can be. Children gravitate towards those who they believe believe in them.
I make it my responsibility to match my student's expectation and you should to


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. When we look into the reality so we can understand that almost all the facts and desires are already available in the teachers and can help them in this regard.


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