Tuesday, 19 January 2016


It is a big privilege to be alive at such a time as these. Technological advancement has made life so comfortable.We move faster from place to place, we can have a conversation with some one on the other side of the world without the person in the next room in the same house hearing our discuss. Life has become more enjoyable than ever before. I Don't think I would have loved to be born at the time my parents were. In one generation life has changed unprecedentedly. But as I was getting my self prepared for work this morning I began to ask myself if am making the best use of the opportunities that I have been gifted with. I also ask you this morning, are you maximizing life's opportunities. As a teacher the best gift I know I have are the kids I teach both in church and at school. 
How ever it is a shame to see many parents misuse and disuse these precious gifts God has given them. When they think of their investments they most times never consider their children on that list. Are you securing your future. You have a responsibility to train you children. You can train your children any way you want but you can only train them once. What values are you impacting in them? In the book "things fall apart", the author asked "where are the young banana trees that will stand when the old banana tree  is no longer there?" Its not the teacher's young banana tree, its yours. You must take up the responsibility to train them up. Even the best teacher can not take your place in the life of your children. The amount of money you spend on school fees makes no difference. What shall it profit you if you gain a fat bank account and loose you own child. Its not what you leave for your kids but what you leave in them that matters. Most parents are always using their job as an excuse for having no time to personally mold the lives of their children. Watch it, no body on their death bed ever wished to spend one more day at work if they could secure one more. You don't want to end up having thieves, prostitutes, drunks and so on surrounding you in your final hours. Make a decision to invest quantity and quality time with your bananas while you can. Meanwhile, I have to go and take care of a few bananas in my farm. Have a productive day at work and a wonderful time with your bananas later own. Adios mis amigos.

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